Welcome to St Peter's Church, Kinver, where the Christian faith has been been witnessed for over 1000 years!
The church is a treasured landmark which can be seen from all around Kinver and the surrounding country side, and St Peter’s has served the community of Kinver for generations and continues to touch people at many key points on life’s journey.
Whatever brings you here today you are sure of a warm welcome at St Peter's, Kinver.
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Worship at St Peter's Church
Weekly services at St Peter's Church are at 10.30am each Sunday and are a mix of communion and non-communion services. We have a monthly Messy Church for families at midday on the third Sunday each month.
Our sister Church in the benefice is St Mary's, Enville, who hold a BCP Communion service at 9am each Sunday and an all age service at 11am on the first Sunday each month.
We also have lots of special and seasonal services throughout the year, so keep an eye on our website for the latest details of what's going on.
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Our Mission Action Plan
We want to be a Church where we care for each other in the same way that God cares for each and every one of us.
We want to be a Church where everyone finds a welcome as a beloved child of God.
We want to be a Church that communicates well so that no-one misses out on opportunities to hear that God loves them.
“God loves you, you are welcome here, and we want you to know it!”
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Contact the Rector Our Rector, Rev'd Rich Clarkson,
can be contacted by email at stpetersandstmarys@gmail.com
or by phone on 07988 803083 or 01384 872556.
Rev'd Rich's usual day off is Friday.
Vestry Hour with Rev'd Rich 6-7pm on Monday Evenings
in St Peter’s Church, Kinver
Come along to St Peter’s on a Monday evening (term time only) if you would like to book a Wedding or a Christening, to discuss pastoral matters or issues relating to the Churches in Kinver or Enville, or just for a chat!
No need to book, just come along
(Children’s Corner available if needed)