
Bells and Bell-ringers

St Peter’s has a set of eight fully renovated bells in the tower.  They are rung from an elevated ringing floor where the ringers can be seen hard at work by congregations through an internal window.  Five of the bells date back to 1746.  The bells are rung every Sunday for our services by a gifted and enthusiastic team of ringers.  Other ringers come and support us and Kinver ringers also go out to local churches for extra practices and to support their ringing.  The ringers are available for weddings and funerals and also by request from local people to ring quarter peals to mark special occasions.

Bell ringing practice at Kinver is on 1st, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7.30pm. We practice at Wollaston (Stourbridge) on 3rd and 5th Wednesdays.  Bellringers who are experienced or learning or those who may like to learn are welcome, do contact us for more information or visit our website.

You can see some pictures, or there is a short video here.

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